The greatest investors of our time including Jim Simons, Ray Dalio, Ken Griffin, Warren Buffet and others all share one common denominator: They follow their proprietary rule-based investment methodologies related to minimum standards, first principles of market function and a wide variety of other factors that ultimately helped them win in the end.

On a more granular level, their success can be traced back to their unwavering conviction in their time-tested investment models – all of which were proprietary to them and their firms – though what’s the secret sauce and how can you as an investor duplicate that?

By applying the scientific method and a data-driven approach to investments along with everything else in life, these legendary investors have created a level of certainty and structure around complex market patterns that appear unknowingly complicated, having navigated the most calamitous and challenging markets while still outperforming the competition.

For the next generation of great investors, it will be a necessity to apply the scientific method in conjunction with the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to pursue the most favorable risk adjusted returns to outperform the competition. And firms ranging from hedge funds to family offices and other financial institutions that do not recognize the power of harnessing AI in money management now will be left behind.

At The Practical Contrarian, we are on a mission to implement our proprietary approaches, including ways to gather deep insights via AI to ultimately provide clarity into what’s ahead – essentially helping clients see the true light at the end of the tunnel which, if done right, can equate to hundreds of millions if not billions in profit.

Looking internally, including firms we’re guiding along with research, it’s fun to run science experiments today for the financial industry because not only are we thinking about the best ways to change the future and help our clients, but that also gives us the ability to look back at our childhood ranging from classic movies to video games and how nostalgia comes full circle today.

Our market research incorporates AI using the weight of the evidence to help remove human emotion and the guesswork from investment decisions so you can realize the most important opportunities now, though the world is continually changing and opportunities shift in the moment.

If you are interested in learning more about how our data-driven approach integrates AI Let’s Explore and we’re only a call away: (212) 915-9353